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What ia a serenity stone?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A serenity stone (aka a worry stone) is a stone you hold in your pocket and, when you are feeling anxious or worried, you take it out and hold it in your hand. Often the stone is smooth or has a smooth plane or bowl in it. You rub your thumb along the smoother surface while holding the stone in the palm of your hand.

The stone itself has no properties, per se, unless you obtain one that is made of a crystal or semi-precious stone and believe in the metaphysical qualities that are assigned to certain stones. It is the act of holding the stone, of consciously focusing one's thoughts on serenity, that is effective. When used regularly, it can help almost immediately upon holding it. Some people also hold the stone while, rubbing their thumb along the smooth surface, while praying, meditating, or repeating affirmations.