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Position:Home>Genealogy> Can anyone tell me what does "zaddy" (name) means and its origin???


Can anyone tell me what does "zaddy" (name) means and its origin???

I'm desperate cannot find it anywhere.. were my parents crazy or what??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Zaddy, my friend... a first name is one chosen by the parents, while most of us deal with the last names we are dealt or marry into. Someone somewhere started a rumor / urban legend that there HAS to be a meaning for all names. Just taint so.
One very very common practice in early America was giving a male child the mother's maiden name as a first or middle name. After generations of being passed down, people didn't even remember the origin. One such surname was Turpin.. came into the family as a middle name, and by the time it got down to my ex's grandmother, she got stuck with the diminutive of Turpie. Have always gotten raised eyebrows on that one.
With a shovel, I managed to dig up an author by the name of Z.P Zaddy.. but not much on where or when.
Count your blessings, ok? You don't appear to come from the Flower child generation, where many babies coming out of places like Woodstock had (shall we be tactful?) UNUSUAL names. Many parents in that era went out of their way to create a name that had never been heard before, or was whatever popped into the head after smoking whatever. Anti-names, if you like.
Anyway, they should be able to answer how they came up with it. If not, hey... you have been here, and surely noticed how often we try to entice people into tracing their heritage without getting too hung up on name origins?