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Position:Home>Genealogy> Our family thinks we may have mixed ancestry - can genetic/DNA tests can tell us


Our family thinks we may have mixed ancestry - can genetic/DNA tests can tell us what the ethnic mix is?

I've read multiple articles giving the impression that one could find out what one's ethnic makeup is via a genetic/DNA test. For instance, one could find out if one if he is a mix of Eastern European and Native American ancestry. My mom may have some ethnic mixture on her side. However, much to my dismay, I spoke to one of the larger DNA testing firms and they said that's not the case??? They can only verify the "single origin" of the direct line (mother's mother's mother's...) w/ no influence from any spouses - so that doesn't help me! Anyone w/ expertise on this have any comments/suggestions to help us find out what the mixture might be? (we don't need to know %, which I've been told is not possible anyway - we just want to know whehter there is a mix and what that might be - Spanish, European, etc.?)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: maybe try bone marrow?
bone marrow donors who are asians, those donations ONLY go to Asians because Asians can only take Asian marrow.
it goes for african americans, whites and hispanics. Those who are half hispanic and half white must have the marrow who is also half hispanic and half white
its wierd like that. if you're more than one race then i bet it'll show up. i'm not an expert so this might or might not work.
good luck!