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Old family tree/table HELP?

I have a old handwritten family tree and for the 6th generation
it says "The Hamptons,a Kentish family whose crest is a fleece in suspentia".

I can't find any mention of the word suspentia anywhere? could it mean something else suspended? Anyone know where I could find information.

This line orginated in from Kent,England.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You're also unlikely to find meaning for "family crest" because individuals were granted nobility and heraldry, which was inherited by a son from his father.

suspendium -i n. [a hanging of oneself].

suspendo -pendere -pendi -pensum [to hang up; to prop up , support; to keep in suspense, leave undecided; to check, break off]. Hence partic. suspensus -a -um, [hovering, hanging, suspended; dependent; ambiguous, doubtful, in suspense].