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Ancestory question?

what is a good website that i could find my ancestors with all the information without having to pay? if there is not a website where i do not have to pay, i just want a really good website with alot of information. thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There are lots of websites. Rootsweb and Family Search are free. Ancestry.Com and Genealogy.Com require a subscription.

Now, information found in family trees must be seen as clues not as fact. Even if you see the same information over and over by different submitters, a lot of copying is being done.

Websites really should be used as a supplement to your research not as a total means. You should start with your parents and work backwards. Get as much information from all your family, particularly your senior member. Even when their minds are a little feeble, they can provide a wealth of information. Tape them if they will let you. People who do this say they go back a few years after doing research and listen to the tape again and hear things they didn't hear the first time around. What might seem to be insignificant ramblings might turn out to be very important.

You need to view census records. Ancestry.Com has them through 1930. Some genealogical sections of libraries have them.

Death certificates and applications for social security numbers give you the name and place of birth of both parents including mother's maiden name.

Remember not everyone with the same surname comes from the same root. You can join forums for a particular surname but it will not necessarily provide you with all the information you need.