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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is "other"? When you fill out an application, do you pick that?


What is "other"? When you fill out an application, do you pick that?

There are boxes to check and the list is usually white, black, or "other".... A lot of places have changed the listing to be politically correct, but that is basically the "list". Sometimes there is a place to check for "asian", but not often. I'd like to know why they even ask this question. Is it a matter of whites having control issues? Why is anything other than "white" considered a minority? Isn't that an insult? I think it is. It's not fair for white people to say that if you aren't white then you are a minority because minority is a negative word. That just goes to show you that whites are still in a supremacy state of mind.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Many are still in a supremacy state of mind, but technically speaking, and all negative connotations aside, white is still the largest singular ethnic group in america. I dont know about job applications and whatnot, but on almost all standardized tests now there are opions of "white, african american, native american, native alaskan, pacific islander, latin american, asain, multiracial, and other." So at least somewhere there are steps being taken to even the playing field of ethnicity. I still dont see the need for racial specifications on anything except for filing/identification purposes, because i dont think race should have any weight on selection or rejection.