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Position:Home>Genealogy> Name of apartment complex where the evans family from good times lived?


Name of apartment complex where the evans family from good times lived?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Cabrini of the meanest, nastiest places in all the world. The complex of buildings had its own fire department and they were actually paid a bonus that was the equivalent of "combat pay" because they were shot at so often. The CHA has been tearing down the buildings one by one for several years. Very expensive new townhouses are going up on that land (it borders Old Town and some other posh areas). The city was called to action after a little girl was kidnapped in one of the buildings, taken to the bottom of a stairwell where she was raped, beaten, tortured and eventually blinded by being sprayed in the eyes with a pesticide spray. That on the heals of a sniper's killing spree where he was shooting at kids while they walked to school from the windows of vacant apartments. Not much good lived in the real Cabrini Green.