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Is there any website that you can punch in your family surname and see if you are related to anyone from any witch trial?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The actual list of the accused is below, but you would need to link someone from that list to you. So, as once said in an old movie, you may be in for a 'long and bumpy ride'. (grin)

The Accused -

(from Salem Trials... )
With the exception of Giles Corey, who was pressed to death, the following were hanged:
Bridget Bishop
George Burroughs
Martha Carrier
Martha Corey
Mary Easty
Sarah Good
Elizabeth Howe
George Jacobs, Sr.
Susannah Martin
Rebecca Nurse
Alice Parker
Mary Parker
John Proctor
Ann Pudeator
Wilmott Redd
Margaret Scott
Samuel Wardwell
Sarah Wildes
John Willard

"Witch Trial Ancestors & Families" It is our goal to bring together people from all over the globe who have one thing in common; one of their ancestors was involved in a Witch Trial.