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Position:Home>Genealogy> How might the surname "Sequoto" be spelled in Italy?


How might the surname "Sequoto" be spelled in Italy?

I am working on a family tree. Many names were changed/mis-spelled when people came to the USA. I have only found the surname in writing once. I don't think it is spelled correctly. I am told the family was from Sicily. Can anyone give me some variations of what "Sequoto" might actually be? Thanks!

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1 month ago
Maybe you could supply some sites that you think might help me rather than tell me to research it. I have already been on the genealogy sites (, etc) and have found no answer.

1 month ago
In American English the name is pronounced "sa kwo toe". If you said the name that way is it similar to any Italian names? I found one Ellis Island record of someone named Socouto which I see as a name that could be the same. Some people have told me to change the "e" to an "o" or an "i" and to change the "q" to a "g". Any thoughts?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 month ago
Maybe you could supply some sites that you think might help me rather than tell me to research it. I have already been on the genealogy sites (, etc) and have found no answer.