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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where would be the best sites to find Jewish genealogy in from the Ukraine?


Where would be the best sites to find Jewish genealogy in from the Ukraine?

I have Jewish relatives that were kicked out of Russia at the turn of the century. I have actually traced them to a town in the Ukraine that was at times considered Russian and at times considered part of Belarus. I am told that there are mass graves in the area from WWII. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: has databases arranged according to geographical location and there's quite a good one for the Ukraine. I have traced several of my lines to the Ukraine too - they moved over to Galicia at the end of the nineteenth century. You will also want to check JRI-Poland, which you can access through JewishGen, which is the Polish Records Indexing project. Unfortunately it has come to a standstill due to policy changes in Poland - hopefully this can be resolved in the future - but they have a ton of indexed records on there right now. You may find relatives who were born in the Ukraine who moved a little ways into Poland, on this Index. And you can post queries on JewishGen too. Good luck!