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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can I find Airplane Passenger Lists from 1948 online?


Where can I find Airplane Passenger Lists from 1948 online?

On May 19th, the Wall Street Journal had a front page article entitled "A Bank Historian Shakes Money From Family Tree." The article mentioned a Pan American Airways passenger manifest leaving Prague on June 2, 1948. It said the said it was found "in the microfilm records of the U.S. Immigration and Naturization Service, available online."

Where can I find this online? My search so far has been unsucessful.

I appreciate any advice you can offer.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I believe I found the manifest at You did not state where this flight was going. If it was arriving in NY (my assumption) than there were 36 passengers, who left on Prague on 2 June 1948 and arrived in NY on 3 June 1948.

I will email you privately with additional details, if you are interested in more information.