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Position:Home>Genealogy> I have a relative 4th cousin 3 times removed what does this mean?


I have a relative 4th cousin 3 times removed what does this mean?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: He/she is one of your your great grandparent's fourth cousin.

Your mother/father's cousins = your cousins once removed.
Your Grand mother/father's cousins = your cousins twice removed.
Your Gr. Grand m/f's cousins = your cousins three times removed.

Your cousin's children = your cousins 1 time removed.
Your cousin's G.children = your cousins 2 time removed.
Your cousin's GGchildren = your cousins 3 time removed.

I'm assuming the relative is "up" from you, so the relative is your Great grand parent's fourth cousin. Call him "R" and assume everyone is male.

R's father and your Gr. GP's father (your 2nd great grandfather were 3rd cousins.

R's G father and your 3rd great grandfather were 2nd cousins.

R's 1st great G father and your 4th great grandfather were 1st cousins.

R's 2nd GGF and your 5th great grandfather were siblings.

R's 3rd GGF and your 6th GGF were the same man.