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Position:Home>Genealogy> Does anyone know of a good FREE website to trace your family tree ??


Does anyone know of a good FREE website to trace your family tree ??

I would like to start tracing my family tree, just as a pastime, nothing intense. I was wondering if anybody out there knows of a good free site that can help do this ?
Also, has anyone had a go at this and how did it turn out ???

Thank you to all who answer..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Mitchell is correct about documentation. The information in family trees on any web site should be viewed as clues not as fact. Even if you see the same information over and over submitted by different people, a lot of copying is going on.

Granny mentioned sitting around the table and getting information.

Yes, you should start by getting as much information from your family as possible. Particularly talk to your senior family members. Even when their minds are getting a little feeble, they can have a wealth of information. Tape them if they will let you. People who do this say when they go back and listen to the tape several years after they have done research, they hear things they didn't hear the first time around. Sometimes when you think they are just rambling, something not important turns out to be very important. If you are just writing down what they say you might not write down those little items.
An attorney will tell you the same thing about taping a deposition from someone. When they go back and listen new things come to their ears.

Rootsweb.Com, are free sites.