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Position:Home>Genealogy> Everone is related if you go back far enough in you family tree so why do we...


Everone is related if you go back far enough in you family tree so why do we...?

have different last names and why do some people have the same names? i know this may seem stupid but i was just curious...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Last names were originally your job title or place of origin.

There was, for example, more than one "John" in a given city, so you called the blacksmith, "John Smith", and the baker "John Baker."

Or, if John had come form a city called "Trapp", he would be called "John Von(from) Trapp"

Some names still have their original meaning--look up your last name in the language of your ancestors. Some have been changed over time, so that they are now meaningless.