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Position:Home>Genealogy> If your mom and dad was from England and moved to France before you were born wo


If your mom and dad was from England and moved to France before you were born would you be french?

I'm trying to figure this put

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You've got a lot of bad answers from people who think American laws are universal. Mr. Good Answers is the one you need to read. France, like many other countries, does not bestow citizenship by virtue of being born in their country. You have to have intent to be French and to live as a Frenchmen. It's much different than the US where you can be born in an airport while your parents are on layover and you'll get an American birth certificate and qualify for an American passport immediately.

If your parents intend to raise you as a French person, they will have paperwork to file with the British embassy, who will then file it with French authorities, who will send your parents a ream of paperwork to complete and file. In five years, you might be considered a French citizen if all the i's are dotted and the t's are crossed.