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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I go about finding my biological father without his last name?


How do I go about finding my biological father without his last name?

My mom got pregnant with me, and he told her he was married and had kids.(He didn't tell her this until she was already pregnant.) He wanted her to have an abortion, she couldn't do that. His name is Terry, he was in the Army, and may still be in the service. He is white that is the only thing physical description I can offer. If you know a Terry who was stationed in Fort Bragg, NC in January of 1989, please tell him his 17 yr. old daughter is looking for him. I just want to know what he looks like, what his family's background is, or even what his blood type is. Any help is greatly appericated, Thank-You!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Have you asked your mother?