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Position:Home>Genealogy> Are websites like actually worth it? Do they produce real results?


Are websites like actually worth it? Do they produce real results?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: YES!! But do your own family research with living members FIRST. I was able to find my great grandfather's draft registration card with his own handwriting and signature and print it out for my mom. I also traced (through birth and death records and census records) my family all the way back to 1690 in Scotland and 1720ish in Ireland. I only bought a one month membership and spent every night online doing research. will give you three days trial free without a credit card. They're a good one to try out (and probably the most complete and reliable). You can even make notes on records you find that are wrong so that someone else doing research can see what was transcribed incorrectly so they don't make the same mistake. Good luck!