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Looking for birth records at Madison, Wisconsin Dioceses Archives?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If the parish where the records were made is still open, you have to contact the parish office for copies. The diocese doesn't have separate sets of records. If the parish that made the records has closed, then you contact the diocesan archives and ask for the records through them. When a parish closes, the archives takes in all of their sacramental registers, issues sacramental certificates, and does the lookups instead of the parish secretary. There's rarely much of a cost, other than normal copying and postage. The generally accepted practice, though, is to send the parish (or cathedral if the parish closed) a thank you and a request for a mass in the name of the individual whose records you sought, or in honor of the family as a whole when more than one person's records were sought. It's usually $10-15 for a mass and they'll be remembered in the prayers of the day by the entire congregation.

Here's the contact info, including hyperlink for email, to the Archives of the Catholic Diocese of Madison: