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Position:Home>Genealogy> How can I find out if I have any american indian history in our fanily?


How can I find out if I have any american indian history in our fanily?

supposedly I have on my dad's side a great grandmother who was indian

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here's a great starting point related to Native American research. A friendly tip... MANY families have the oral tradition of Native ancestry, which winds up being wishful thinking and not accurate. I think you'll find an article on this page on that topic.
Either way.. you need to be sure that you are doing your BASICS... meaning, collecting what leads you can from living family; setting up some manageable way to keep the data straight, and most importantly, TAKE TIME to understand how to document ("prove") your information. Independent verification not only clarifies what is fact vs tradition... it also serves to direct you to where you can go further with what you have. Names..dates.. places.. are the foundation of good research.