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Question about relatives?

Where can I find information about relationships between family members? For example, my uncle's daughter is my first cousin - what is her child to me? What constitutes "second cousin once removed"? Is there a website someone can provide me with a link to to figure out this information?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you think of it in terms of generations rather than ages it is pretty easy.
Your father and his brother are from the same generation. Their kids are from the next genration. Cousins. Kids of cousins are from the next (third) generation making them second cousins. "Once removed" happens when you are removed by a generation -- Your cousin's child (generation three of the above scenario) to you (generarion two) would be "first cousin once removed." As you continue down the latter if you go straight across it's just cousin (second, third, fourth, etc.) if you go diagonally it's "once removed."
If you go down two rungs so to speak it is "twice removed."
Hope I explained that well.