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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can I find a list of naval ships from around the 1860's onward please?


Where can I find a list of naval ships from around the 1860's onward please?

We are trying to find the name of a ship that a young ancestor was on at the turn of the century.
The name on his hat is indistinct but it appears to end in 'ite'

I know the young man's name but would like to find the ship he was on as well.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Have you tried Ancestry co uk/com? or Or just type into google and see what happens. Sometimes people publish lists of ships and passengers when researching- you could be lucky and find your relative on one. Also look for him on the census's - if he was on a ship on the night of the census the name of the ship will appear on the census.