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What gift would you like to receive if you are into genealogy?

I am looking for ideas for a birthday present for a friend who is very interested in genealogy. He spends hours and hours researching his family. I was thinking of a filing system, as he prints out many documents, but would that be useful and "gifty" enough? Any suggestions would be appreciated!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Here is a site that offers gifts for genealogists.

How about a gift subscription to an online resource? If he/she keeps his records on computer, a USB key to assist in tranporting information from one computer to another might be useful. If he has a collection of photos he has gathered on his various lines perhaps he is anxious to share the information. Perhaps purchasing a year's subscription to a site like My Ancestors ( would be cool.

Last, but not least, how about a family tree plaque at

Good luck!