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Help....Family Tree question-should she be named?

My husband and I have been married for 8 years, together for 10, we have one son. He was married prior to our relationship. She had a son and they had a daughter together....Should she be named on the family tree?

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1 month ago
SO SORRY.....the SHE is the EX-WIFE...I realize the daughter should be mentioned...and she is.....Gosh, I bet there are tons of people who think I am the evil step-mom--We (the daughter and I) are really close...I meant his ex-wife!

1 month ago's another thing...His ex-wifes son does not know his biological father but my husband has legally adopted him (13 years ago) does this change things as far as her son (my step-son) being named in the family tree?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 month ago
SO SORRY.....the SHE is the EX-WIFE...I realize the daughter should be mentioned...and she is.....Gosh, I bet there are tons of people who think I am the evil step-mom--We (the daughter and I) are really close...I meant his ex-wife!