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Position:Home>Genealogy> Like I said in another question, there are PRIMA DONNA'S amongst the genealogy


Like I said in another question, there are PRIMA DONNA'S amongst the genealogy folk on here. Some claim,?

to make a living at it ,yeah right. Its got to be said you spend so much time on yahoo answers when do you work.. There seems to be a clique mainly U.S.A, theres only a few from U.K. and I have to say it, I think the brits are much more polite, with there answers, why cant everyone be nice to each other on here.

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1 month ago
Satisfaction my dear, my rant has been a long time coming but one of the so called "genealogists", who shall go nameless, was down right nasty in her reply email, and that I can do without. I shall get my answer from a fellow brit without the nasty comments.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 1 month ago
Satisfaction my dear, my rant has been a long time coming but one of the so called "genealogists", who shall go nameless, was down right nasty in her reply email, and that I can do without. I shall get my answer from a fellow brit without the nasty comments.