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How common is it to be related to these people?

I have heard many people are related to these people, like I am:
I am:
-a 22nd great-grandson of King Robert the Bruce
-a 23rd great-grandson of King Edward I
-a 21st great grandson of King Edward III

But I hear relations to these people are a lot less common because they are closer in time:
I am:
-a 13th great grandson of Queen Mary Tudor,
-a 13th great grandson of Mary, Queen of Scots
-a 12th great grandson of King James I of England
-a 10th great grandson of King Charles II

I went to a genealogist, and he said I have an uncommon amount of royal ancestry compared to most people.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: You are about the fifth or sixth person who has mentioned the first part of your question here in the genealogy category. If you search for "great-grandson robert bruce" nothing comes up, but if you search for plain "robert bruce" and wade through the history, book and movie questions, you'll see several people have asked about being R the B's 22nd grandson. It isn't uncommon to be related to royalty. The early ones coupled with anyone who would hold still for 10 minutes.

It is even commoner to get a solicitation in the mail with some questionable facts and an offer to learn more, for a fee. The fact five or six separate people have asked essentially the same question makes me suspicious. I suspect a mass mail marketing campaign.

If you - or your consulting genealogist - traced your lines back that far, fine. No one I know trusts anything back before 1600 or so, unless you get a DNA test. I travel in cynical circles. You may not.

If, however, you received an offer saying someone had unlocked the secret of your birth, and would share it with you for $39.99, (or $59.99 if you wanted a copy of the family coat of arms), I'd advise you to put one hand on your wallet and back away, never taking your eyes off him.