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Native american tribe?

my mom told me that my grandfather was native american but he died and my mom does not what tribe he was in my family has been in north Texas for 10 generations so can anyone tell what tribe he was apart of or a website that can help

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The answer is with many possibilities. As the Cherokee made their infamous trek westward from the Carolinas (the Trail of Tears), many of them settled in Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi.

But bear in mind many other Indian Nations lived in north Texas, such as the Kiowa-Apache, Kiowa, Jicarilla Apache, and even Comanche and Mescalero Apache. Those are the most well-known tribes living there. Many other lesser known tribes are scattered throughout Texas.

Perhaps ways to investigate are to contact the Bureau of Indian Affairs, the Chambers of Commerce in the local area, and visit any established reservations. This is purely a guess on my part.

Good luck.