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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where does my last name come from? KACHO?


Where does my last name come from? KACHO?

Someone please help! I look kinda white, but have different physical features. My grandfather said that the name originated in Hungary, but he's not certain. Does anyone know my ethnicity and/or the origin of the last name KACHO??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: There is a Hungarian surname <Kacs㳦gt;, which originated as a patronymic (a byname identifying the bearer's father) based on a pet form of some name, probably <K㡬m㡮>. In Hungarian, <cs> represents the same sound as English <ch> as in 'church', so Kacho is a likely English rendering of the name based on its sound (roughly /KA-cho/, with /a/ as in 'tall' and /o/ as in 'role').