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What nationality started the first callender?

Me Skipping Turtle.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Humanity has developed three basic types of calendar. The earliest was based on phases of the Moon, and goes back at least 20,000 years, as archeological digs in the Atlas Mountains of North Africa have found a carved shoulder blade of an extinct species of deer with the complete set of lunar phases carved in twice. Lunar calendars were widely used in historic times by hunter-gatherer cultures. They are inadequate for agricultural societies because seasons drift through the months rather than occuring on more or less the same date each year.
Solar calendars, based on the seasons, were adapted by agricultural societies. One of the arliest, certainly the earliest of which we have details, is the Egyptian, which uniquely had three seasons rather than the normal four: flood, growth and drought to trnslate the names of the three into English. The Hebrew calendar is unusual in trying to continue a compromise between the incommensurable lunar and solar calendars, accomplishing this feat with a complex cycle over a 19 year period which allows the seasons to drift by about two weeks back and forth through the calendar, rather than holding them to a day or two as in most calendars. (The Roman calendar prior to Julius Caesar's reform tried a compromise also, using a thirteenth month every third year.)
The third type of calendar is the unique one adapted by the Mayan culture around the fourth century BC. Instead of being based on the Sun or Moon, the two brightest objects in the sky, it is based on the motions of the planet Venus, fthird brightest object. As a result the Mayan "year" is not anything like 12 lunar months (354 or 355 days) or the solar year (365.242... days).