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Position:Home>Genealogy> Italian roots of the surname "Lawrence" please?


Italian roots of the surname "Lawrence" please?

Heyya. I know that there are some Italian roots of the surname "Lawrence", as I have reasearched them previously, but I can't remember them. I know that it is something concerning a place near Rome that sounds kind of like Lawrence.

If you could tell me the Italian roots, or any roots of that surname, I'd be very grateful?

Thankyouu :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I think De Laurentis is the name you're looking's also spelled De Laurentiis.

The Abruzzo forum is down tonight or I'd send you there. But the basic is that the name is originally from Abruzzo, which is about 70 miles from Rome on the east side of the Italian boot. It's extremely beautiful and rural. You can do more research on it through the Italian genealogy sites.