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Geneology help please!!!!?

i am trying to find out if my grandmothers aunt and uncles had any children and if their children had any but every geneology site i go on just gives me my great grandfathers there any way of just finding out about births? any help would be appreciated thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Your best bet would be to locate your grandmother's aunts and uncles in the census records of their time. If they lived before 1930, they are very likely on a census record SOMEWHERE in the U.S. In my opinion, the best search engine out there for the U.S. Census records is It is a service that costs about $20 a month, but they have the records well-indexed. They do not do the searching for you - your fee is simply for access to the records.

You might also consider contacting a genealogy club in your area; many people will take on the job of tracing the members of a family simply because they find it interesting, or will do it for only a small fee.

You should be aware that most sites will not show living individuals' names or dates of birth; however, 2nd great aunts and uncles for most people living today are far enough back in time that the records are available. You should also be aware that 1930 is the most recent census release available; federal law requires that the actual data is kept private for 72 years after the census is taken, meaning that the 1940 census will not be available until 2012. Also, the great majority of the 1890 census was destroyed in a fire at the U.S. Commerce department (before the days of computers), so very little of it remains.

Good luck!