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Position:Home>Genealogy> This is far fetched, but I am looking for pictures of relatives on my dad's side


This is far fetched, but I am looking for pictures of relatives on my dad's side... The family is gone ...

and the only surviving relative that "should" have some, have some bad life experiences, and didn't keep anything for long... Any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've seen all sorts of miracles happen on the USGenWeb county sites. Local researchers, those just starting out, and people who just enjoy snooping around spend a lot of time on those boards. I've even had someone answer a query whose 94 year old grandmother lived next door to the people I was looking for and his father's cousin married the nephew of the people I was at a loss for finding. He sent me more information that any complete stranger would be expected to have. His grandmother told me intimate details that even the family members who hired me never knew...and the records turned up to substantiate them. Ten years later he's still one of my best friends.