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A potter's field?

does anyone know who i might contact to get information on how to find a grave in a potter's field? my b/f's dad was buried in one and we have been trying to find him.......he was buried in Campbell County Cemetery ky

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Your bf'friend's dad would presumably be a fairly recent burial (for genealogy, recent is something less than 100 yrs ago). A death certificate and/or mortuary record is the most likely to verify the cemetery itself. And I would expect that the cemetery has a record concerning exact location of the grave itself.
I did find one disturbing comment, related to one of my ancestor's burials. According to that info, pauper's graves can be "re sold" after 25-50 yrs. I am guessing that this would apply if there was no marker/stone, so forth. And I don't think it is common.
Many researchers ARE relocating graves today, that would otherwise be lost.