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Position:Home>Genealogy> Sometime ago in looking for my father on Ellis Island records someone told me th


Sometime ago in looking for my father on Ellis Island records someone told me that maybe arrival was Port of?

New York. Thanks to whoever you were-- I did find the info. thru and he did come in thru Port of New York.
Never knew before about Port of New York--just presumed it was Ellis Island.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So glad you found it! Ellis Island got lots of press, but Castle Clinton was the real landing point for the first 60 years or more in New York City. If you want to see the records, go to

The other misperception is that everyone immigrating after 1892 went through Ellis Island. But it wasn't true of those traveling first or second class. Those passengers got off the boat first at a different location and were treated very cattle pen. They got off at the piers where the American citizens and simple European tourists also got off. There was a nice office for them and they were treated much differently.

The Port of New York isn't referring to "the whole thing". It refers to the Port Authority on the lower east side of Manhattan. Ellis Island was a federal immigration facility. The Port of New York was a state-owned and operated facility.

Happy hunting! Let us know if you need more information on anyone. We're always glad to help.