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Position:Home>Genealogy> What's a good site for finding your family tree without paying or signing up to


What's a good site for finding your family tree without paying or signing up to be a member?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: To get access to GOOD records at no cost, your best option is to go to your public library and sign up for a library card. With that card, you can either use their portal into the excellent genealogy websites at no cost or you can sign in from home and use either or Heritage Quest (depending which one they subscribe to) and your usage is free.

While you're at the library, you'll also find several reference materials that probably aren't on the internet. Take advantage of them! The internet can't come close to replacing what our libraries hold. Just as importantly, if there are resources you need that your library doesn't carry, they can order them for you, usually for a dollar or two. You can't beat the public libraries in this country.