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Position:Home>Genealogy> Looking for an old Obituary from 1972 for my step children of their mother who h


Looking for an old Obituary from 1972 for my step children of their mother who had died when they were babies?

her Name was Carolyn Joyce Jones. My step children never knew her or have anything from here or even konw where she is buried. She died in somewhere in the Bronx New York. She might have been buried in New Jersey.Please help me find this my step would have some enclosure., and maybe able to visit her grave. They are great people and I would like to visit her grave to and give thanks to her for those children

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The main library in the Bronx should have archived newspapers in their archives department. Knowing the actual date of death will help you find the date it was placed in the newspaper. Hopefully the obituary will give you more insight as to where she is buried.