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Does my last name mean something in German?

My maiden name is Grabow. I know that my fathers people come from Germany. I have learned that there are several towns in Germany named Grabow. But when I look at meanings of surnames I can only find a simular name, and that is a Polish name. Does that name have a German meaning? How can I find out more about it?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I back Granny on this one, for sure.
My experience related to European research is that you have to throw most "boundary" concepts out the window. Throughout history, the politcal jurisdictions have been so complex, and constantly changing. IE a town in what is TODAY Poland, may have been in "Germany" 100 years ago, or "Austria" .. so on and so on. What shows on a record, is dependent on exactly when that record was made. Even today.. on the news, I hear that Albania is seeking to be declared an independent country, instead of part of Russia.
It is hard to find a clear balance, if your ancestors are connected to that exact town(s), or if they were from elsewhere. Or, if your ancient cultural/ethnic background ( since nationality is flexible) is Polish or German, or something else.
The more exact way is to trace your ancestry to the known person who immigrated, and try to determine WHICH town they were from (and search there for relevant family documents). Often you can find someone who is deeply involved in that surname and becomes the "guru", ie knows the town already.
Another option is to join one of the German research email lists, and network with persons who also have focused their work in particular localities.