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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where can I find information or a complete obituary on my grandfather who was mu


Where can I find information or a complete obituary on my grandfather who was murdered in 1963?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would try this website here.

and locate the state and county in which the event took place and see if there is a volunteer that does lookups in that county. Random acts is wonderful because there isn't a bunch of huge fees. Many times, volunteers will do it for a huge thank you or they will do it for the cost of copies and postage. They volunteers are also allowed to charge for gas which is only right these days with the cost being so high.

It is very important to thank your volunteer. They don't have to provide the service that they are providing and so many times in this day and age, people think that they are entitled. A little kindness goes a VERY long way.