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Position:Home>Genealogy> Would it be ridiculouse to name my daughter Kleopatra (if i get married and have


Would it be ridiculouse to name my daughter Kleopatra (if i get married and have kids!)?

i just like the name.... i have a long way to go but i was just curious

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My guess is that the idea of the "K" comes from the fact that your name begins with a "K".

I have never had a student by the name of Cleopatra, but this does not mean it wouldn't be a good name to choose. Maybe you should read more on her and decide if in fact you find the 'original' Cleopatra worthy. For example although she was a strong woman, she did end up manipulating 2 important men. You may or may not like characteristics attributed to her. If in the end, you decide, you don't like the name for a child, you might consider it for a future pet. I do not mean this in a negative way at all. But, if you decide you still like the name, but not for a child, why waste it?

Another poster talked of how some African Americans name children and the same would have been true for those early folks - Faith, Hope, Mercy, Charity, etc.

Sometimes I do wonder about some names. Years ago I knew a Chattles Belle. My only thought was that this mom had no clue that 'chattle' was a 'slave'. It made no sense that the mom would name her daughter this. Mom must have just liked the way the name sounded, I guess.

Here is a possible alternative where you can use the "K" in lieu of a "C". Chloe seems pretty popular at the moment and if you use a "K", you would have a popular name, but have put your own spin on it.