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Position:Home>Genealogy> Can anyone find out what the last name "Cuezzi" means?


Can anyone find out what the last name "Cuezzi" means?

Please, I want to know what it means.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: From what I've seen, the name Cuezzi does not likely have a meaning, be it regional, occupational, etc. as many surnames do. It is both an Italian and a Spanish surname, and most likely a variant spelling of Cuzzi. It could be a shortened derivative of an Italian tribal name (e.g. Cuzzi is a shortened derivative of the FrancesCuzzo/FranCuzzo name of the Francesco tribe, the Domenicuzzi name of the Dominic tribe, etc. etc.). The first Cuzzi's and Cuezzi's were in the U.S. at the beginning of the 1900's, and most listed Italy as their homeland.

I know this doesn't help much....but maybe it'll give ya some thoughts for later reference.