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Position:Home>Genealogy> What are the origins of the last name Cadavid?


What are the origins of the last name Cadavid?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I was surprised when I ran it through ssdi, and found almost 100 persons with that surname (ok, so females can be discounted, since it is normally their married name). There were also many entries in rootsweb family files, most of which did not include dates or places... the few that did have info, show Colombia as a place of birth. When I ran google with both Cadavid and Colombia, there were pages of hits.
So.. if someone in your family has this name, your means to verify would be to locate specific records of that person, and his/her parents, until you find the immigrant ancestor. Records "here" may show much more detail than expected.
Like many surnames (more than people realize), there is not always one central "origin" or meaning for a name.
Here is a list of Hispanic sources for research. Colombia is not well represented... but perhaps someone is building such a file.