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Family Tree - Tracing after Adoption?

Just started my family tree and found out that my Late grandmother was adopted. My mother has also passed over. I only know a few details - she was born in lockerbie in 1914 and adopted by a family in Newcastle upon tyne. There is no remaining family on that side, so i can't ask them. As i don't know her birth surname, is there any way to trace this adoption on the net??


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm going to be straight with you here.

If you don't know your grandmother's birth surname, and there is no one left in your family who might have this information, I think it is highly unlikely that you have any chance of tracing her roots.

But one suggestion I have is that you contact Dumfries and Galloway Council (the area where Lockerbie is situated). They have a Genealogy Research Department. It's possible they may be able to help, especially if you know your grandmother's exact date of birth.

Here's a link to their contact details:

Good luck:-)