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Find all grops?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hi Damien,
It looks to me like Grop seems to be of Prussian descent although there seems to be a small population of them in England. One thing that I found interesting that I don't see too often is that there seems to be less Grops with each 10 year census in the U.S. Usually, the population grows from census to census especially around the turn of the century when so many people were migrating.

I'm afraid we can't be much help here, unless you want to give us a particular family to look up for you. The world is a big place and to tell you about ALL Grops would require years and years of research.

It is great that you are interested in your origins. The best way to get started in your search is to start with your self and work your way back, person by person, generation by generation. Family trees have a way of multiplying real quick. If you would like help getting started, please feel free to send me an e-mail through my profile. Take care.