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Position:Home>Genealogy> What is the meaning of the surname 'Alibrandi'?


What is the meaning of the surname 'Alibrandi'?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Contrary to mstoad's personal limitations on the topic... many people here want to know what their surname means, and consider it a legitimate part of family history. The majority of persons coming here for information ARE NEW RESEARCHERS, and it is up to yahoo to decide if a question is valid.
I don't have the exact meaning for the name, but was intrigued to find that a novel was written using it.
If this is legitimately a surname in your ancestry, rootsweb family files has a number of entries on persons with the name, and links it to Italy. SOMETIMES a name does have a real meaning, other times, it is nothing more than a label. Those who have a lot of background in research find that it can be misleading... other times it can direct you to where a name is clustered. I am aware of many sites online that claim to tell you all about a name, that are not always reliable. The same is true for "family crests" etc, which are little more than scams or rip offs. Be careful.
I'd encourage you to consider doing basic research, not so much on the name (although it does play a part), but look at the individual persons who are your actual ancestors. Several places (including have guides to beginning your research, including some excellent articles on the pitfalls.
Interest in your family background is an open door to learning more. We all start somewhere, and whether we continue or not, depends on being pointed in the right direction with patience.