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People search?

Okay so my wife has a long lost sister that was put up for adoption when she was born. My wife would like to meet her sister, and im trying to help, does anyone have a webpage i could use to find out where she could be?? who her apoted parents are, anything that would help me find her would be great. thanks.

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4 weeks ago
I know what Genealogy is so no more retarted answers. I know its in the Genealogy cat. thats cause it put it there by default and i didnt change it, so if anyone acctualy knows whats going on please answer my question, thankyou everyone accept for the first answerer.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: 4 weeks ago
I know what Genealogy is so no more retarted answers. I know its in the Genealogy cat. thats cause it put it there by default and i didnt change it, so if anyone acctualy knows whats going on please answer my question, thankyou everyone accept for the first answerer.