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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do i change my last name in the state of michigan?


How do i change my last name in the state of michigan?

i am 21 years old and i want to change my last name to my parents last name

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Go to the Clerk of the Court's office and pick up the form. There will be a number of steps you'll have to follow, not only in filing the form, but also in publishing the intent to change your name in the major newspaper in your area for a certain number of days. Then you appear before the judge, briefly stating your case, and he'll order the change of name. Then you take a copy of the court order to the County Clerk and file the form to amend your birth certificate. After that you take the order to the Secretary of State's office (stay away from the one in Dearborn Heights...they goof everything up) to amend your drivers license...and go to the Social Security office in your area to change the name on your SS card. After that, send a copy to your high school to change the name on your school records and if you went to college, send them a copy to change their records.