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Position:Home>Genealogy> List of first families of Lynn County,Texas,and photos of same?


List of first families of Lynn County,Texas,and photos of same?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: per their website, there may have been as many as 10 whole persons living in the county in 1880. You should be able to pull those up using the 1880 census index at It should be fairly easy then, to drop by genforum for those surnames, and post to find possible descendents.
I also saw where the names of the few ranches (and owners) was shown. I'd try googling the ranch names, being sure to put the name in quotation marks, and see if any one has posted an independent web page related to those.
If you come forward to 1900, you might pick up a few more names. If you wanted to do that, the LDS church has probably filmed whatever deeds might have been recorded during that 20 yr time frame, even if they moved in and out between the census. That microfilm won't be online, but I still think it would be easy reading.