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Position:Home>Genealogy> How do I foind out someone's last name by there PO Box Adress?


How do I foind out someone's last name by there PO Box Adress?

Couple months ago I ordered something from this guys store and he never sent me my things.I know his first name is tod just not his last name. Heres his adress :
Sprinkler Supply Online, Inc.
P.O. Box 13454
Fort Pierce, FL 34979

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Report it to the Postal Inspector's Office as mail fraud. You can't look at the information of who rented that box or what they're doing, but the PIO's office sure can. If you were scammed by someone using the mail, that's where you turn first.

Then go to your bank or credit card company, report the fraud and see if they can get your money back.

BTW, you might also contact the Florida Secretary of State's office to see who filed the articles of incorporation and who is listed as the legal representative of the supposed corporation.