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My last name?

my last name is very different, and i try to google it and look it up and trace back my ancestors, but everything is either in german, ((My last name is german)) or doesnt have any what would be a good website to look up my family history, for free? Believe me, I've tried a lot of them. Anyone with a weird/different last name who has found good results?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What your surname is doesn't matter, and if your parents / ancestors were German that's what your research will be in. Using the babelfish translator will sometimes be both frustrating and amusing. I hope you will be courteous to any volunteers who help you and also offer to pay them any costs incurred in assisting you.

Whatever gave you the idea that someone has already constructed your very own family history, that all you have to do is find it online, and has done this for you for free? The only way that is likely to have happened is if your parents or an aunt or uncle has recently done it -- just phone and ask -- but you likely won't find that online because ethically living people and their data shouldn't be found in public.

Actually what your surname is does matter and you're among the lucky ones, for when you get busy and begin researching your family history you'll have comparatively few to sort among -- be jubilant you're not a Smith, Hill, or Jones.