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Position:Home>Genealogy> I am trying to locate information on my great grandmother Lizzie Plummer?


I am trying to locate information on my great grandmother Lizzie Plummer?

She was born in Tillery NC I do not know the year

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is the only Elizabeth Plummer in NC in the 1930 census images.

Grace Elizabeth Plummer
Home in 1930: High Point, Guilford, North Carolina
Estimated birth year: abt 1928
Relation to Head of House: Daughter
Father's name: John R
Mother's name: Norma E
John R Plummer 27
Norma E Plummer 30
There are 2 Lizzie Plummers in NC in 1930 but they are married.

Tillery is in Halifax County. There is 1 Lizzie and 0 ELizabeths in Halifax County across all years. This one is there in 1910:
Lizzie G Plummer
Parents: Robt J, Roberta
Town: Littleton, Halifax, NC
b. abt 1904 in North Carolina
Relation: Daughter
Race: Mulatto
Robert & Roberta are Mulatto too. They have anadopted daughter, Thelma Plummer, age 8, who is black.

You can estimate her birth year by your grandparent's birth year. Lizzie would have been 14 - 44 when her children were born. 30 years is a span, but it is less than 176 years.

(If she is your father's father's mother, they both had children when they were 60 and you are 80, she could have been born 240 years ago. If you are 16 and everyone was born when their parents were 16, she could have been born 64 years ago. No date at all means a possible span of [240 - 64 = 176 years])

I'm assuming Plummer is her maiden name, and she lived in NC all her life. If either assumption is wrong, I'm wasting my time. If the 1928 Grace Elizabeth or the 1904 Lizzie is her, write to me via my profile and I'll transcribe the image for you.