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Position:Home>Genealogy> Where does the last name "Ramon" come from??


Where does the last name "Ramon" come from??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Catalan: Ramon; Spanish: Ram㳮; from the Old German first name Raimund, composed of the Germanic elements ragin + mund ('counsel" + "protection").

Cognates: German: Raimund, Raymund (Austria), Reimund, Reinmund. Italian: Raimondi, Raimondo, Ramondi, Ramondo; Ramundi (Southern Italy); Rimondi (Emilia). Portuguese: Raimundo. English: Raymond, Raiment, Rayment, Raymont. French: Raimond, Ramon, Ramond, Reymond, R㩭on, R㩭ond, R㩭ont.

Patronymics: Irish: Redmond, Redmonds (Erse Mac R㩡mionn).